
Integrated reporting enables to provide interested users with non-financial information, including data about social activities and enterprise staff. Labor resources are a necessary source that causes the development of the company, and effective investment in human capital allows achieving strategic goals in a minimum amount of time. Consequently, the reflection in the reporting of human capital data is of great value, since currently investing in this type of capital amounts to a significant share. The nature of information about human capital and strategies for its management is subject to disclosure in integrated reporting and allows users to valuate the efficiency of such investments. The publication is aimed at considering the peculiarities of the preparation of integrated reporting in terms of social and labor indicators, with a substantiation of such indicators. An analysis of functions and constituents of integrated reporting, principles of formation of integrated reporting in accordance with the international standard of integrated reporting is carried out. The composition of the management report in accordance with regulatory requirements, as well as the composition of the report on the management of a number of enterprises are analyzed. On this basis, a proposal as to the list of social and labor indicators of integrated reporting is formed and formulas for their evaluation to integrate all indicators into a single one are suggested. Using this formula, one can compare different enterprises and draw a reasonable conclusion about the work of the enterprise in this direction. In the future, the development of integrated reporting should be aimed at developing and refining the system of indicators and generalizing management provision in the process of preparing internal integrated reporting.

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