
The article examines the phenomenology of artistic-aesthetic culture as a scientific-terminological dimension and professional- pedagogical quality. The concepts of "pedagogical cooperation", "pedagogical communication" are outlined, and the concepts of interaction of the "teacher - preschool child" format are highlighted. The phenomenon of the artistic culture of a pedagogical worker as a prerequisite for effective professional activity has been studied.The place of the concepts "aesthetics", "moral", "morality" and "figurative thinking" in the narrativization of the culture of an art-aesthetic teacher are determined. The impact of the teacher's artistic and cultural competences on the aspects of interaction with preschool children, children's parents, other teachers, social and institutional representatives, etc. was determined. The features of pedagogical mastery of artistic and aesthetic direction are determined. The complex of concepts "the art of pedagogy" and "pedagogical art" in an inseparable combination and commensurability with the understanding of the "artistic and aesthetic culture of the teacher" was studied. Aspects of the generation of "pedagogical talent" as derived from the aesthetic and artistic culture of the simulacrum are singled out. Models and options for the implementation of the artistic and aesthetic culture of a pedagogical worker have been determined in accordance with the Law of Ukraine «The Education Act" No. 2145-VIII dated 09/05/2017 (as amended from 01/01/2023). In particular, the provisions regarding the academic freedom of the teacher and the educational institution (clause 2, part 1, article 1 of the Law) were analyzed in relation to the hypothetical-potential artistic development of the teaching staff in the process of increasing professional competence. Exclusively, attention is focused on the conformity of artistic and aesthetic pedagogy commensurate with Clause 4, Part 1, Art. of the Law of Ukraine "The Education Act" No. 2145-VIII, which defines the criterion narratives of pedagogical activity in general and aspects of competence, formed by Clause 15 Part 1 of Art.1 of this Law. The version of modifications to the Law of Ukraine "The Higher Education Act" No. 1556-VII dated 07.01.2014 (ed. dated 03.15.2023) was specified in the context of the process.

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