
The existing classifications of science are distinguished by a variety of approaches. The next change in the nomencla-ture of scientific specialties, presented by the Higher Attestation Commission under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, and the unresolved problem of “simplifying the procedure for making changes and additions to it” determined the relevance of the topic covered in the article. The recommendations of the Higher Attestation Commission on the development of the nomenclature and passports of scientific specialties were consid-ered. The efforts of the Higher Attestation Commission to reduce scientific specialties, their generalization in order to reduce bureaucratic barriers in the qualification assessment of applicants for scientific degrees at the intersection of fields of knowledge were noted. The quantitative results of scientific achievements over the past decade in the form of dissertations submitted for defense in various fields of science are considered. The dominance of technical and medical sciences is expected, while a surge in achievements in economic and political sciences, which was observed especially in 2013-2018, can be noted. The scientific achievements of applicants in the physical and mathematical, philological and biological sciences tend to keep up with the leaders. An analysis of the nomenclature of scientific specialties is present-ed: names, passports, research areas. A frequency analysis of the terms used in the passports of scientific specialties was carried out. A quantitative assessment of the declared areas of research in scientific specialties and the words used in their description was carried out. A significant difference in approaches to the description of areas of research in sci-entific specialties and a significant quantitative difference were revealed. As an example, an analysis of the social and humanitarian field of science, which includes the largest number of branches of science, is given. The author believes that the development of the ontology of science will be the very "legal mechanism" for updating the nomenclature, which will allow the Higher Attestation Commission to achieve its goal.

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