
Statement of the problem. Assessing the effectiveness of the development of recovery territories is becoming relevant, especially in the context of the transformation of the state regional policy. That will necessitate the development of appropriate methodological support. The aim of the article is to form and test a methodological toolkit for assessing the effectiveness of the development of recovery territories in the context of transformation of the State regional policy on the basis of the developed triad. The object of the study is the territories subject to restoration in the context of the transformation of state regional policy. Methods used in the study: comparative analysis, detailing and generalization, comparison and grouping, etc. The hypothesis of the study was the assumption that the assessment of the effectiveness of the development of recovery territories in the context of the transformation of the state regional policy should be carried out on the basis of the triad of effective development of recovery territories and the corresponding algorithm. Presentation of the main material: systematization of key areas of community recovery in the context of decentralization and European integration allowed to develop a tirade for the development of recovery territories on the basis of the effectiveness of "compliance – assessment – synergy". Its main components are interrelated basic predictors of performance achievement, which are grouped together. In order to assess the effectiveness of the development of recovery territories, methodological tools have been proposed: an algorithm for assessing the effectiveness of the development of recovery areas, which provides for the selection of indicators and the formation of an array of empirical data; building an efficiency rating, structuring the gradient of efficiency of recovery areas (quantified efficiency assessments – "highly efficient", "effective", "ineffective" and "ineffective"). Approbation methodological tools for assessing the effectiveness of the development of recovery territories are carried out on the example of communities - recovery territories in the Donetsk region. The originality and practical significance of the study lies in the use of the algorithm as a methodological toolkit, which provides for the transition from static to dynamic assessment, that is, comparison of ratings of recovery territories for different periods of time. Conclusions. The analysis carried out with the help of methodological tools for assessing the effectiveness of the development of recovery territories made it possible to identify not only highly effective and inefficient communities, but also demonstrated the most vulnerable predictors in the context of the tirade "compliance-assessment-synergy". Further research involves the verification of strategies/programs/plans for the development of recovery territories in the context of the transformation of the State Regional Policy with the help of developed methodological recommendations

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