
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of chiropractic on hip internal rotation and hip flexion, extension, left and right flexion, and lateral rotation of the triceps by means of chiropractic adjustment of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex and psoas muscle. The applicants who were interested in participating in the S gu of G city were divided into experimental group and control groups and the chiropractic treatment was conducted twice. The result of this study was that chiropractic treatment of psoas muscle and lumbo-pelvic-hip complex showed that the angle of internal rotation was significantly increased to recover the left and right balance. The flexibility of the trunk was increased by approximately 9.1o in flexion and increased 7.2° in extension in the experimental group. The angulation was increased 6.7° in the left side and increased 4° in the right side. In the case of rotation, the left side increased 8.1o and the right side increased 3.4°. In the control group, flexion showed an increase of about 5.4° and extension increased to about 2.3°. And there was no significant angle change in left and right excavation and rotation. Independent ttest was performed to confirm posttest homogeneity between experimental group and control group. There was statistically significant difference in all items except ‘trunk extension’ and ‘trunk lateral flexion (right)’. These results demonstrate that chiropractic treatment of psoas muscle and lumbo-pelvic-hip complex is effective in improving internal rotation of the hip and restoring flexibility of the trunk.

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