
Scientifically substantiated and experimentally proved the feasibility of the zootechnical application of the developed biological products Prevention-N and Prevention N E in technology of beef production for the realization of bio-resource potential meat quality of calves of black-motley breed. Against the background of the use of biopreparations, activation of growth and development of bulls during cultivation, rearing and fattening was established, which led to higher slaughter and meat qualities of carcasses and, as a result, the yield of valuable cuts: spinogrudnogo – by 6.1 and 4.0 kg (P<0.01-0.001), lumbar – by 2.6 and 1.7 kg (P<0.05-0.01) and hip – by 8.6 and 7.1 kg (P<0.001). The quality of meat carcasses was proved by organoleptic, biochemical and spectrometric parameters and, consequently, the safety of the tested preparations. It was found that the implementation of the biological potential of the body of bulls due to the activation of hematopoiesis, cellular and humoral factors nonspecific resistance of biopreparations. The novelty of the obtained data is confirmed by the patents of the Russian Federation for invention № 2602687 and № 2622765 registered in the State register of inventions of the Russian Federation on 26.10.2016 and 19.06.2017, respectively.

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