
The article draws attention to the increased relevance of the study of the issues of criminal liability of legal entities, which has become a novelty of the Armenian criminal and criminal procedure legislation. The relevance of the topic of this article is due to the fact that with the adoption of the new Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia, adopted by the National Assembly on June 30, 2021, and entered into legal force on July 1, 2022, a legal entity is considered as a full-fledged subject of criminal procedure relations by the defense. Present article contains a theoretical analysis of some issues related to the criminal procedural status of a legal entity. The article discusses the place of a legal entity in criminal procedural legal relations, its criminal procedural status, procedural responsibility. Such a category as the procedural legal personality of a legal entity as a participant in criminal proceedings is analyzed, their possible significance for the implementation of the procedural status is explored.

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