
A set of parameters of soils under forest belts was studied. The objects of research were old-growth (65–68 yrs) ravine and shelterbelt forest plantations of the Kamennaya Steppe. The results allow assessing the trends of changes in soil characteristics over a long period of time. Key plots of 100×100 m were laid out using a regular sampling grid. The sampling interval is 15–25 m. A positive effect of forest shelterbelts on the properties of chernozems was found. There is an increase in thickness of the humus horizon from 42.3 cm (arable land on the slope) to 72.6±5.1 cm (under forest). The maximum values are typical for chernozems of watershed areas: 59.6±2.4 cm (arable land) and 85.6±3.9 cm (forest belt). Chernozems leached due to the activation of migration processes of carbonates into the underlying soil horizons have the maximum depth of soil effervescence. Chernozems zooturbated due to mechanical transport and mixing of accumulative-carbonate horizon have the lowest depth of soil effervescence. A general trend to decrease the depth of soil effervescence under the forest cenosis was found. The highest humus content is observed in watershed areas: 7.14±0.24 % (arable land) and 8.56±0.18 % (forest belt). A ravine forest belt reduces the risk of erosion processes. A fairly strong humus profile with a high content of organic matter: 7.03±0.27% (under forest) and 6.10±0.10% (on arable land), was possible to preserve on arable lands in the zone of the belt’s influence. The planting of forest belts causes a change in the nature of vegetation. The influence of acidic products of litter decomposition formed soil horizons with a moderately acidic reaction of the environment in the humus layer. Despite the leading position of calcium, an increased content of magnesium was found in the composition of exchange-absorbed cations. Forest belts have become especially important in recent decades due to changing climatic conditions. In the steppe regions of Russia, such plantations are a powerful soil conservation factor that helps stabilize and increase soil fertility. It is necessary to intensify the planting of artificial forest stands in the steppe regions of Russia. For citation: Cheverdin Yu.I., Bespalov V.A., Sautkina M.Yu., Titova T.V. Ecological and Agrochemical Assessment of the Kamennaya Steppe Soils under Forest Cenosis. Lesnoy Zhurnal [Russian Forestry Journal], 2021, no. 5, pp. 76–91. DOI: 10.37482/0536-1036-2021-5-76-91


  • Основным фактором изменения характеристик почв и почвенного покрова степных регионов России в последние столетия стало интенсивное антропогенное воздействие, многие вопросы которого широко обсуждаются в современной научной литературе [2, 4, 13, 16, 20, 25,26,27,28, 30]

  • The maximum values are typical for chernozems of watershed areas: 59.6±2.4 cm and 85.6±3.9 cm

  • Chernozems leached due to the activation of migration processes of carbonates into the underlying soil horizons have the maximum depth of soil effervescence

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Объекты и методы исследования

Исследования проведены в агролесокультурном ландшафте Каменная Степь. Объектом служили старовозрастные ЛП No 133, 140 и прилегающие к ним пахотные участки полевого зернопаропропашного севооборота. В ЛП No 133 выбраны два участка (на водоразделе и на склоне), в ЛП No 140 – один. Пашня также включала два объекта исследований – на водоразделе и склоне. Состав древостоя на водоразделе: 1-й ярус – 5Д2Б2Ко1(В+Яз); 2-й ярус – 5Ко5Д. Для точной ориентации точек опробования прямые углы на местности закладывали с помощью трех мерных лент (египетский треугольник со сторонами кратными 3:4:5). На основе этих данных проведен статистический анализ выборок почвенных свойств: мощности темногумусового горизонта А(AU) (для пахотных аналогов Апах(PU)) и общей мощности PU+AU, глубины нижней границы переходного горизонта А+АВ. KCl) и водной вытяжек – потенциометрически (ГОСТ 26483–85); гидролитическая кислотность – по Каппену (ГОСТ 26212– 91); обменные Са и Mg – трилонометрически; вытеснение обменных катионов Са и Mg хлористым натрием – по методике Почвенного института; качественный состав гумуса – по методу Тюрина в модификации В.В.

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