
Goal. To study and evaluate the collected samples of meadow timothy in the conditions of the Western region of Ukraine to identify the most valuable starting material and involve it in the further selection process. Methods. Field, measuring and weighing, visual, calculation and comparison, mathematical-statistical. Results. The starting material for the creation of new varieties can be the collection of meadow timothy selection samples from the Pre-Carpathian Department of Scientific Research of the Institute of Rural Economy of the Carpathian Region of NAAS. As a result of a 3-year study of 16 collection samples, promising samples were selected by plant height, duration of the growing season, fodder, and seed productivity. The average duration of the growing season of collected samples from the beginning of spring growth to the economic maturity of the seeds was 133–150 days. Samples No. 2092; No. 2180; No. 2181; No. 2183; No. 2096; and No. 2085 were the most precocious. Biometric measurements showed that samples No. 2177; No. 2094; No. 2185; No. 2096; and No. 2085 had the highest plant height (101.1–110.0 cm) in the earing phase. The highest yield of green mass on average over 3 years of use was fixed for samples No. 2092 — 4.10 kg/m2, No. 2180 — 4.13 kg/m2, and No. 2085 — 4.05 kg/m2. In terms of dry matter yield special attention should be paid to the samples No. 2180 — 0.883 kg/m2 and No. 2183 — 0.870 kg/m2, which exceeded the standard by 26 and 24%. Samples No. 2092 — 27.76 g/m2, No. 2178 — 27.12 g/m2, No. 2184 — 28.05 g/m2, and No. 2085 — 26.27 g/m2 had high seed productivity. Conclusions. Based on the conducted research, the best collection samples of meadow timothy were selected by their economic characteristics. They were recommended to be used as source material for the further selection work and creation of new highly productive varieties.

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