
Abstract. The relevance of study is determined by development of technologies that allow restoring operational parameters of springs used in automobile transport, achieving an increase in durability of components and assemblies in which they are included. A general block diagram model of research methods for improving technology of restoring automobile springs is presented. For technological operation of stretching springs, it is necessary to use a device for stretching springs. The known devices have not found wide application in the conditions of car repair enterprises. The disadvantage of the considered device for stretching springs is complexity of design and limitations of its use for stretching springs with different geometries. The purpose of this work is to improve the device for stretching springs. The device design based on the use of settling surface and a schematic diagram of known device is proposed. In the proposed design of the device, labor-intensive T-shaped grooves used to make contact of support rollers with threaded mandrel by moving lunette and roller contact with spring coil by moving the head are replaced, respectively by non-labor-intensive oval holes in base of lunette and by fork moved in hole of head. The design of device is suitable for stretching springs with a different pitch of turns and internal diameter, for which it is necessary to make appropriate nut with threaded mandrel and ring and roller for clamping the spring, without making the device again, which gives an economic effect. The spring stretching device has been manufactured and tested. According to test results, height of springs during tension was increased by an average of 4.9 mm. Thus, in order to perform subsequent technological operations restoring the power and geometric parameters after stretching of internal valve springs of VAZ cars, an allowance of 6.5 mm is provided. The proposed device design is recommended in design and manufacture of devices for restoring parameters of large springs used in automobile transport, for example, suspension springs.

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