
The article considers the conceptual foundations of the essence of information security of Ukraine from the standpoint of various researchers. The analysis of scientific sources revealed that information security in general and at the elemental level is characterized by scientific, systematic and has many aspects. It is proved that ensuring information security of Ukraine is a defining direction of state policy, on which the existence of the state, its national security, socio-economic development and the corresponding place in the world community will depend. Objectives of the state policy of Ukraine in the field of information security: protection of information sovereignty of the state in modern conditions of globalization; ensuring information adequacy for decision-making by state bodies, enterprises and citizens; realization of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens, society and the state to information. Emphasis is placed on the main tasks of the state information policy and the purpose of the state policy in the field of information security of Ukraine is to manage real and potential threats in order to create the necessary conditions to meet the information needs of man and citizen and national interests. The study of the essence of information security of Ukraine is associated with the formation of a quality information security system that will meet modern requirements and urgent needs of Ukraine. The shortcomings of the state information policy of Ukraine in modern conditions are revealed, which are connected with the lack of effective state policy, insufficient development of the national information and communication infrastructure. It is established that the state policy in the field of information security can be presented as a set of national goals, interests and values, strategies and tactics developed and implemented by public authorities to regulate and improve information processes in all spheres of society and state. Today, in order to develop an effective system of information security in Ukraine, there is a need for a thorough study of the works of scientists and researchers on this topic.

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