
Economic incentives in the post-Soviet professional literature are mostly consi-dered as the state influence on the economy in general or enterprises in particular in order to create motivation for certain actions. The subjectivity of the company's management is admitted only in the material incentives for staff. Incentives are often defined as a set or system of organizational and economic measures and actions.This approach is partly explained by the fact that incentives are currently considered mainly through the prism of state regulation of enterprises, economic activities, regions and national economy or at the level of productivity increasing, the use of fixed assets, environmental production etc. At the same time, in a market economy, ensuring the shipbuilding enterprise development and the use of effective incentives is primarily the task of its management.The research is aimed at determining the place of economic incentives in the enterprise development system and the management role in the economic incentives.It is substantiated that the role of shipbuilding enterprise management in its development stimulation is to form incentives, use them and adapt to their changes. The enterprise adaptation to the economic incentives changes is singled out. It consists in their identification and evaluation by weak and strong signals, decision-making on the expediency of the development strategy chan-ging, choosing an alternative strategy or developing a new one, ensuring its implementation and forming new adaptation opportunities. «The enterprise adaptation to changes in economic incentives for its development» concept is defined as the continuous process of its interaction with the external environment and active or passive adjustment of activities, carried out to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise. It is proved that economic incentives do not always involve external influence and the relations between the stimulant and the stimulated. The foreign experience of economic incentives using by the shipbuilding enterprise management as the optimum specialization choice and the sea clusters formation is considered. The importance of the use of incentives by the management for enterprise development as an integral part of its economic mechanism is emphasized.

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