
Research objective – identification of factors determining the signs of authenticity of the sound of lute music of the XV–XVI centuries when performed on a classical guitar, in particular, оf the work is to consider the composer’s lute art of the XV-XVI centuries; generalization and systematization of information about the development of musical instruments of the lute family; identification of factors determining the authenticity of the performance of ancient music. The methodology – of the research is a systematic approach to the performance reading of the Lute music; cultural and musicological methods of analysis of stylistic features of authenticity of performance. The scientific novelty – justification and systematization of the performance complex in the reading of ancient lute music on the example of detailing the features of the fantasy genre of the 16th century. For the first time, ancient music is viewed from the perspective of the natural interaction of compositional and performing arts; the main specific features of the structure, tuning, and timbre qualities of the lute, which form applicative thinking, auditory representations of voicing, methods of working with some technical aspects when playing it on the guitar are highlighted. Conclusions. Problems of preserving, identifying and embodying the main signs of authenticity in the performance of ancient music of the 16th century is relevant, urgent, important and requires a thorough scientific and theoretical study. It has been established that the historical and cultural prerequisites that determined the qualitative development of guitar art are the influence of European culture, in particular, the lute music, which enriched the origins of guitar art and formed the basis of a professional artistic tradition. Interpretive skill, according to the stylistics of the work, is one of the most important aspects of the formation of a school of guitar performance and should be individually directed according to the creative method of the musician, but at the same time maximally reflect the sound and image trends of the era of writing the work. Creative reading of the historical musical heritage for instruments-predecessors of the guitar is one of the important tasks of guitar performance.

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