
Urgency of the research. The process of constructing modern forest monitoring systems, the development of technical facilities, high frequency, efficiency and availability of remote sensing materials allow realize the tasks the tasks of effective control of the modern environment. The experience gained by domestic experts allows us to use the results of processing these images to calculate changes in forest areas, determining the types of forests, their species composition and age mainly at the regional level. The deterioration of forests in Ukraine today is one of the most pressing problems, the solution of which is quite effective with the use of modern systems of geosystem environmental monitoring. Target setting. At the current stage of Ukraine's development, there is a problem of monitoring the country's forests, since at the same time, illegal deforestation has increased, which carries threats to the country's ecology and increases the level of corruption and financial losses of the state budget. The estimation of the number of forests of the Pukul village council of Chernihiv oblast was estimated from 2000 to 2017 using the Global Forest Watch service as well as using the ArcMap geodetic software product. After the performed measurements, it is possible to estimate the state of the forest complex of the research site and to propose measures for elimination of the revealed problems. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The latest publications on this topic, which are presented in open access, including scientific journals, study guides and data from the global Internet network, were reviewed. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. The processes of organization and monitoring of forests should be considered as a single information complex, which makes it possible to assess the state of the country and determine the size of forest plantations and, most importantly, illegal logging, which will affect the environmental and financial situation in the state. And in order to prevent the negative impact of deforestation on the environment, it is necessary to use modern geoinformation software complexes, which allow to estimate the scale of forest areas fairly quickly and precisely and to decide on environmental measures for effective management in forests of Ukraine. The research objective. It is quite effective to use the open system of "Global Forest Watch" for monitoring of forest areas in Ukraine because it enables to determine the chosen site in a certain territory, but the systems do not give data on the areas of each cut area, therefore to get such parameters it is suggested to use the software ArcMap on the basis base map, which enables the data from attribute tables to determine the area of each individual cutting area of the forest. The statement of basic materials. The area of forest plantations with an area of 6200 ha was chosen for forest monitoring in the Chernihiv district of the Pukulsky village council. The monitoring was carried out using the open system "Global Forest Watch", since it enables to determine the amount of forest plantations in the selected area, and then for obtaining more accurate data on the area of forest plantations, the parameters were adapted to the ArcMap software based on the base map, which makes it possible to estimate the area forest areas of cut and planted forest for the selected period of time. Conclusions. Based on the performed researches, it was established that for monitoring of forest plantations in Ukraine it is quite effective to use the open system "Global Forest Watch", which combines data from different sources. This system helps to determine forest areas in the country and their location in the regions of the state. However, in order to improve the accuracy of determining the areas of cuttings and re-planted, it is recommended to use the ArcMap software package, which enables to increase the monitoring of the forest and prevent illegal felling of forest areas.

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