
Gray rat is one of the many species of rodents, prone to Sinanthropus, omnivorous and rapid fertility. Living in close proximity to human, rats are a real danger to people, because they can serve as reservoirs and sources of pathogens of various diseases of viral, bacterial and parasitic nature. Infection of human occurs through direct contact with the corpses of the fallen within the dwelling rats, food, contaminated by their faeces, through surfaces, that come into contact with sick animals, and indirectly through domestic cats and dogs. The study of gray rat’s helminthofauna is one of the important tasks in the assessment of helminth infections spread in Omsk. The aim is to study the species composition of gray rats helminths in Omsk. Objectives are: to determine the species composition of gray rats helminths; set the extensiveness of (E.I.) and intensity (I.I.) of invasions. The charges of helminths from 18 rats were materials for their own research. Catching rats was carried out on the territory of clinical hospital of the building 2 of Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Omsk State Agrarian University name after P.A. Stolypin. An autopsy was carried out in rats according to the procedure for opening the helminthological full of K.I. Skryabin. Total helminths infestation of gray rats was 100%. 3 types of helminths were revealed in 18 individual gray rats. Among cestodes the Hymenolepis diminutive is widely distributed in the form of gray rats. The extensiveness invasion is 55.5%, with an average intensity of 4 units. Cestodes Rodentolepis straminea infected 33.3% of rodents with intensity of 5 units. Syphacia muris nematode was found in 33.3% of the individuals, the intensity of infection was 2.6 units. The findings have important economic significance and should be considered in the prevention work of veterinary, sanitary - epidemiological and health services.

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