
In propositions of existence, these predicates are combined with an irreferenced name, whose existence is reported by the sentence. The irreferent name of the subject is not mentioned in the previous text and is entered into the fund of knowledge of the addressee of the broadcast with the possibility of further its characterization. The sentence states the presence of the subject, and the local predicates describe the qualitative signs of the subject of being from different positions. Such communicative load is carried by all verbs, which according to the corresponding logical-grammatical conditions transmit the significance of localization. Despite the fact that the local predicates transmit different lexical meanings, they have common categorical attributes: lack of process value and static. The subject of being remains unchanged during a specific time interval within which the event described occurs. The static sign corresponds most to the ontological nature of existence. Categorical semantics imposes an imprint on the meaning of verbal lexeme. The use of such verbs determines the semantic modifications of existential sentences. The structure of the semantics of various verbs contains components of modifying value, which help to create a figurative picture of existential states. The use of the designated verbal lexeme contributes to the enrichment of the semantics of the existential sentence and the expansion of its expressiveness. Prospects for the study of existential sentences are related to the analysis of those elements of the semantics of the sentence, which are determined by the lexical meaning of the verb in the position of the local predicate.

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