
At the new stage of development of the socio-economic sphere, culture and education, the issues of artistic and creative development of the younger generation are receiving special attention. There is a growing need in society for highly intelligent creative individuals who are able to solve emerging difficulties, make non-standard decisions and implement them. All this requires the development of new methods of educating the younger generation and entails unconventional approaches to art education – as a basis for further improvement of personality. The greatest interest in this regard are younger students, as it is at this age that the foundation of personality is laid, there is an orientation to the development of spirituality, self-realization, self-expression and formed worldviews necessary in later life. Choreographic creativity is one of the means of comprehensive development of students, because the productivity of artistic education of children by means of choreography is due to the synthesizing nature of choreography, which combines music, rhythmics, fine arts, theater and plastic arts. A characteristic feature of our time is the intensification of humanistic tendencies in the education of the younger generation. The purpose of the educational process is to maximize the development of the child as a free, active, creative, responsible and tolerant person. The search for effective ways and means of this development is recognized today as an urgent pedagogical problem. Her decision is connected, among other things, with the involvement of children in choreographic culture – a layer of culture with great moral, humanistic content, focused on artistic and creative education of the child, the disclosure of its potential. Choreographic art has great potential for full-fledged aesthetic improvement of the child, his harmonious spiritual and physical development. The formation of choreographic skills acquires special significance in preschool childhood, when the foundations of the child's value attitude to the world are laid, the basis of his personal culture is formed. In the article the author considers the relationship between the concepts of «performing activities», «choreographic-performing skills» and «choreographic-performing skills». The structure of choreographic-performing skills that are formed in the process of choreographic training of junior schoolchildren is revealed. The performing complex is analyzed, which contains motor-technical, metro-rhythmic, space-oriented, coordination and artistic-expressive components.

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