
The article deals with the analysis of the representation of gender in game related phenomenon of “crossplay”, which involves impersonation as a character of the opposite sex, or attempts to try on the image of a character in a computer game, anime or film, which is gender different from the one originally presented in one or an-other fictional story narrative. The author analyzes the phenomena of M2F, F2M, gender bender and try to show the correlation of these everyday practices both with some problems of self-identification of a modern person living in contexts of fluid identity, oversaturated with the meanings of the modern cultural space, and with the complexity of the computer-game narrative, the convergence of gaming, animation and cinematic types of nar-rative representation of the fictional world and its heroes. The author draws conclusions about the “removal” of problems of self-identification in the phenomenon of cosplay, its special specificity among other types of eve-ryday practices.

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