
Purpose. To analyze the phenomenon of bullying in the educational process. Identify the types, signs and causes of bullying in the school environment. Consider measures for responding to cases of bullying by participants in the educational process. Methods. The complex of theoretical methods is used in the work: analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization of scientific psychological literature, analysis of the legislative base and synthesis of information on the mentioned problems. Results. It is noted that the problem of school violence began to be investigated in the second half of the twentieth century, in connection with the study of the phenomena of deviant and aggressive behavior of young people. It was emphasized that in 2019 with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Countering Bullying (Baiting)», the concept of bullying (or baiting) was introduced into the Ukrainian legislation and the corresponding sanctions were imposed upon its establishment. The features of bullying among children of different ages in the school environment and the ways parents and teachers respond are discussed. It is noted that with the development of information technologies, the emergence of a new type of school violence – cyberbullying. It also examines the causes and manifestations of teacher bullying, and suggested steps for parents when identified. The spectrum of measures of prevention of bullying in secondary education institutions is outlined. Conclusions. It is not possible to cope with the facts of persecution in the school environment by one-time, short-term activities (lecture, parental fees, a call to the headmaster, etc.). School bullying is a complicated, complex and largely social problem. That is why the phenomenon of bulling is a challenge for the school as an organization. It requires long-term and responsible commitments that would be part of the school’s organizational culture. In order for the child not to fall victim to bullying by other children and educators, all participants in the educational process in cooperation with their parents need to work fruitfully to prevent and prevent school bullying. Bullying at in secondary education institution can only be reduced by joining forces and working systematically at all levels.

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