
The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of activity of the shipbuilding industry in Ukraine and the world. In the carried out study, the authors considered the structure of shipbuilding enterprises and organizations in Ukraine. The shipbuilding industry of Ukraine was examined in terms of theoretical and practical aspects, which led to negative conclusions regarding the functional activity of shipyards and ship repair plants. It is determined that most of the plants experienced difficulties even before the onset of the COVID-2019 pandemic and martial law in the country. Analyzing the dynamics of financial results of only a few of the plants for 2019-2021, namely: PJSC «Plant «Kuznya na Rybalskomu», Kyiv Shipbuilding and Ship repair plant (KSSRP), Kherson State Plant «Pallada», Mykolaiv Shipyard «Ocean», it can be stated that over the years there is a tendency of reducing the net income from the sale of goods and services. This situation should encourage the search for new opportunities to maximize the final financial result and improve their own position in the competitive environment. Given that shipbuilding and ship repair is a strategic industry of Ukraine’s development, an integrated approach should take place in applying incentives and support measures on the part both the State and the private sector. The ability to continue with the activities of plants on a continuous basis was carried out only through signed contracts with foreign investors. It is noted that thanks to this in single shipyards there was a chance to survive in the market and compete for an attempt to meet the trends of the world and European markets. Of course, this does not apply to «NIBULON» Shipyard, which is a leader in the development of modern business and economy of Ukraine. It is identified that in 2021 a project of strategy for the development of shipbuilding and ship repair until 2030 was presented, which was developed taking into account the analysis of the activities of international maritime countries that have a comprehensive system of government support. The main goal of this project was to apply such incentives and measures for the shipbuilding industry of Ukraine.

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