
This article presents the results of sociological research of directions of supplementary education for children and the assessment of their impact on the personal and career-oriented development of younger generation on the example of the Khabarovsk territory. Supplementary education for children is considered by the authors in the context of the concept of «educational space», which is interpreted as a part of society, with its own system of subject-object relations of the state and the other structures for personal and professional education of children and youth. Analysis of the main scientific approaches to the study of educational space presented in the article gives the authors a reason to use it for sociological research. Empirical results of sociological surveys obtained by the authors and domestic research centers indicate that the all-Russian trend towards increasing the diversity of educational services remains a significant role in their regional location. Based on the data of sociological surveys of parents and children of different age groups, it is shown that the design of an individual children's educational space depends on many objective conditions and subjective factors in terms of the possibilities of the territory and families. The attitudes of parents, available resources and willingness to make efforts for the personal and career-oriented development of children determine the form and content of the regional supplementary educational space to the greatest extent. The authors consider it expedient to improve the state educational policy in direction of ensuring the quality of conditions and accessibility of classes for each child and success of their personal development and career guidance choice, regardless of the place of residence in the Khabarovsk territory.

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