
The subject of the study is the structure and pragmatics of the speech acts (SA) of gratitude in the speeches of the country representatives at the UN Security Council meetings. The objective of the study is to identify the structural and pragmatic properties of the diplomatic discourse of the SA of gratitude, exemplified by modern speeches in English during the meetings of the UN Security Council in a chronological scope. During this investigation the method of comparison in various forms of gratitude by diplomats was used. Also, this method is used in the chronological sampling of the SA of gratitude. At the same time, the method of synthesis is used for the processing of the theoretical basis of the study. Results of the study. Protocol gratitude is somewhat different from everyday gratitude, at least in the aspect of the speaker status, where his/her position in society is of primary importance here. Usually diplomatic gratitude is restrained, without excessive emotions. Among key features of expressives, the act of committing an action is included. The analysis of the presented examples was carried out with the help of the SVOiOd model, which shows the object of an action, the actual subject of the action and the action itself, that appears in the form of a declared gratitude. Diversified by nature, expressive SAs are not subject for a clear classification, the difference between etiquette and expressive SAs does not seem readily apparent. A characteristic feature of diplomatic gratitude is its publicity, because it emphasizes the importance of some people over others. In order to maintain a positive atmosphere, gratitude can act as a formula for etiquette. This paper has only indirectly touched the issue of expressive speech acts of the diplomatic discourse, that is why there is a bulk of material to analyze in the nearest future. The scientific novelty of this study is that it is the first known study that touches on the structural and pragmatic properties of gratitude SA of modern English speeches in the communicative situation of the UN Security Council. New is the appeal to the structural and pragmatic specifics of such speeches. In order to establish changes in the structure and pragmatics of diplomatic discourse, chronological sampling is performed, covering speeches of the middle and end of the twentieth century. Application. The results of this inquiry are a contribution to the study of diplomatic discourse, and they will provide for a deeper understanding of the correlation between structure, pragmatic content, relevance of selected language units to ensure the success of diplomatic speech.


  • Предметом дослідження є мовленнєвого акту (МА)-подяки виступів представників країн на засіданнях Ради Безпеки ООН

  • I thank the representative of Nigeria for the kind and friend- 3326 Фраза-кліше ly words he addressed me

  • I thank the representative of Djibouti for his kind words 3329 Фраза-кліше addressed to me

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Предметом дослідження є МА-подяки виступів представників країн на засіданнях Ради Безпеки ООН. Усі подяки з вибірки є когерентними, що демонструється шляхом використання деиксису, анафори, як-от: I would like to thank Ambassador Delattre and wish him all the best (8568th meeting). Ми маємо на увазі співпрацю різних представників країн під час складання резолюції (with whom we have worked so closely on this resolution as our co-penholders) (8566th meeting); безпосередню командну роботу в межах однієї країни, адже на зібрання РБ ООН дипломат приїздить не сам, а з цілою групою людеи, які иому допомагають якомога якісніше представити свою країну на світовіи арені (Allow me to very sincerely congratulate my team sitting behind me) (8568th meeting); теплі відносини спостерігаються і між країнами, які крім засідань РБ ООН мають інші спільні інтереси, як-от економічні, торгові, віиськово-політичні — такии висновок можна зробити лише з контексту, оскільки прямо ніхто не говорить про додаткові спільні інтереси, окрім оонівських (our good friends from Germany) (8566th meeting).

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