
Changes in the conditions of activities in the educational market in Ukraine, particularly the analysis of the assortment and demand for educational services, are the focus of this article. It was revealed that the range of educational services actually did not become an object of scientific research in the domestic discourse from the standpoint of modern marketing. The aim of the research was to identify key aspects of the course assortment offered by various educational platforms and to determine the main trends in demand among the target audience. Comparative analysis methods were employed, evaluating the quantity of free and paid courses on popular platforms such as Prometheus, VUM online, EdEra, Diya.Osvita, Projector, and others. Special attention was given to the number of marketing courses as an important indicator of the popularity of this specialisation. The analysis results indicate a diversity in the assortment of courses, where each educational platform has its own strategy regarding the type and ratio of free and paid courses, as well as specialisation features. The statistical analysis of the popularity of different directions in online education in Ukraine provides an objective picture of the most demanded areas, such as distance language learning, academic preparation, and professional development. It is substantiated that the strategies of assortment management and the provision of various, high-quality educational services are key to further development and increasing the competitiveness of educational platforms in Ukraine. The study identifies directions for the development of educational platforms to diversify the assortment, taking into account demand and user specificity. It emphasizes the need to actively monitor trends and provide quality educational services to meet the diverse needs of the target audience in the rapidly changing online environment.

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