
This paper attempts an intensive analysis on Cao Yu`s poetic realism which consistently appears in his early 4 works: Thunderstorm, Sunrise, Wilderness, and Pekingese. The role of poetic realism is to harmonize poetic inspirations with expressive skills of realism, so that it can deliver maximum impressions to readers and sublimate the life of reality to art. Cao Yu`s poetic realism is expressed in his works through rich emotional colors and deep reflections on life. His poetic realism can be found in the forms of deep affections and never ending investigation into spiritual world, survival environments, and the future and the destiny of life as well. His style is particularly noticeable because it makes it possible to transform even shapeless spirit into clear living things with his tender and elaborate touches on inner world of human beings. Cao Yu clearly demonstrates his deep compassion on the loss of human nature, so that he can bringing emotional colors into his works. Moreover, he successfully projects future hopes by establishing characters of unpolished beauty and primitive force of life. All of these features were made possible through his passion on life, longing for noble spirits, deep attachment on pure life, and constant search for the origin of life. His style of poetic realism is deeply absorbed in his early works, thus showing his creative intentions very clear, motivating readers to have shared emotions, and ultimately increasing the quality of his works.

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