
The subject of the research is an essential theoretical understanding of the concept of détente, which is characteristic for the Soviet and American political elites. The relevance of the research is due to the crisis nature of the modern system of international relations, in the framework of which Russia is under pressure from Western countries, including the United States. In this regard, historical material relating to the cold war period can find its practical application, helping in the search for forms and methods of overcoming the current crisis. The methodology is based on historical-comparative and historical-system methods, as well as elements of linguistic, socio-psychological and semiotic methods. This work can be useful both for researchers whose field of activity is the study of the dynamics of Soviet-American interaction, and for political scientists interested in understanding the features of the modern system of international relations. The study highlights the contradictory nature of détente, as well as the relationship between its understanding by the political elites of superpowers and its viability. In addition, there are similarities in Moscow and Washington’s approaches to understanding the essence of détente, which helped the countries find common ground and make progress in developing a dialogue on disarmament issues.

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