
When growing flower crops, serious attention is paid to grouping varieties by the beginning of their flowering. Due to the selection of varieties that differ in terms of flowering, a conveyor for the receipt of flower products is created in time. The peculiarities of the seasonal rhythm of plant growth and development largely determine the prospects of their introduction in new conditions. The emergence of seedlings, budding and flowering of various flower crops, including daffodils, is directly dependent on varietal characteristics and weather conditions. The unstable weather regime in spring affects the passage of the terms of the phenological phases, determines their sharp fluctuation. The precocity of the variety (the manifestation of flowering factors) is an endogenous property and is controlled by many external factors, among which an important place is given to the temperature. The duration of flowering (the period from flowering to the end of flowering) is a phase of decorative effect in floriculture and largely depends on the air temperature, productive moisture in the soil and the amount of precipitation. The purpose of this study is to study adaptation indicators in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan.

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