
The article reveals the experience of implementation of the binary approach within the process of professional training of the future choreographers at Berdiansk State Pedagogical University. The authors determined and revealed the key definitions of the researched field: the binary approach and the musical competence. The binary approach to the professional training of the future choreographers is considered as the interaction of the participants of the educational process which is aimed on the achievement of the program results of teaching through the integration and interdisciplinary connections of the educational components of the compulsory cycle of disciplines of the certain  educational program (pedagogical or art direction). The musical competence of the choreographer (teacher, leader of the dance collective, ballet dancer, ballet choreographer) is determined as the connection of the musical-theoretical and practical training, whichprovides the flexible implementation of the gained knowledge and skills during the solving of the professional tasks within different types of choreographic activity. The article’s content clarifies what the musical competence must include; what skills and knowledge the future choreographer should master. The emphasis of article is on the presentation of the samples of binary interaction (teacher-teacher, teacher-accompanist), teacher-employer, teacher-professional etc.) for the formation of the musical competence of the professionals of the choreographic profile (pedagogical, art) during the studying of various educational components. It is proved that the implementation of the binary approach during the organization of the various forms of the educational process: (lectures, seminars, laboratory works); researchof the different ways of binary interaction; involvement of the teachers of professional disciplines, accompanists, professionals will be effective for the increasing of the quality of the professional training of the future choreographers. Also, it will be useful to implement the non-standard professionally oriented tasks (within the conditions which are close to the real); to involve the employers; to implement the partner relationships among the applicants for the higher education and pedagogical staff. It is underlined that the musical competence if one of the important components of the effective professional training of the future choreographers.

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