
Statement of the problem. The current situation in sports activity is characterized by an increase in competition on the world sports arena, which determines the need to find new approaches to solve urgent tasks in the planning and organization of the training process. The contradiction revealed during the theoretical analysis between the need to apply advanced sports practices used in the field of biomechanical technologies and the insufficiency of scientific and methodological support for the training process proves the high relevance of the research problem. The purpose of the article is to determine the complex of biomechanical technologies, the use of which in the training process of swimmers contributes to the achievement of high sports results. The achievement of the goal was facilitated by the use of a set of methods adequate to it: theoretical analysis and generalization of literature, analysis of Internet resources, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. The results of the study are provided by the logic of the study, the optimal correspondence of methods, and a sample of participants in the experimental part of the study. As a result of research activity, in obtaining which the author was directly involved, it is possible to consider the receipt of generalized information about the directions of application of biomechanical technologies in swimming, the study of some aspects of the use of biomechanical ergogenic means in the system of training swimmers, the establishment of reserves for the growth of achievements of athletes in water sports, the identification of the dependence of sports results on the operational response to the emergence of new technologies in in the sphere of organizational, logistical, scientific and methodological support of training. Conclusion. The results presented in the article allow us to significantly expand the range of means used in the practice of sports training of qualified swimmers and increase the likelihood of achieving high sports results in the world competitive arena.

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