
The article discusses some significant aspects of studying the problem of spontaneity and planning in the course of mankind’s history. The author emphasizes the fundamental importance of a clear definition of the epistemological premises of the research. With this regard, the articles analyzes the main versions of the epistemological substantiation of the projecting role of consciousness – the concepts of “radical constructivism” and socio-historical practice. The author examines the role of ideology in mass movements of the 20 th century, the nature of ideocratic societies created on their basis, and issues of the structural composition of society as a determining factor in its historical evolution. It is argued that in view of all the ideologies that guided large masses of people, the course of history in the 20 th century did not undergo significant changes and was, as in previous eras, chiefly spontaneous. At the same time, according to the author, the spontaneous nature of history does not reject the constructive role of thinking. Reasonable purpose has always been, is, and will be the most important characteristic of human activity. At the same time, the author asserts that the course and results of historical development are determined by objective necessity. Finally, the article considers the current problems of mankind, caused by the large-scale use of information technologies. The article concludes that in such circumstances the role of reliable knowledge as an indispensable requisite for development of rational strategies for sustainable development has grown considerably.

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