
<p style="text-align: justify;">The article presents data from a study aimed at studying strategies for overcoming personal difficulties and the degree of adaptation to stress and traumatic circumstances in the context of norm and juvenile delinquency. Empirical data were obtained on the basis of general educational institutions in Kazan and special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant behavior. The total sample size was 163 people. Of these, 106 are juvenile criminals and 57 are law-abiding teenagers. We used the methodology of E. Heim “Study of coping mechanisms” and the questionnaire “Index of life style”. With the help of one-way analysis of variance in groups of subjects serving sentences in different places, significant differences were established in the protective mechanisms and in the coping mechanisms of convicted juveniles. It is shown that individuals who commit illegal actions are characterized by excessive inclusion of psychological defenses and non-adaptive versions of coping behavior, which does not allow them to realize an objective, real situation and contribute to its effective resolution. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop individual programs for deep psychological correction of criminal forms of behavior and the formation of constructive strategies to overcome stressful situations.</p>

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