
The formation of a promising technology of cattle man-agement under pasture conditions in the absence of sta-tionary power supply is an urgent task. Livestock facilities are an integral part in providing the population with essen-tial food products. At the same time, it is associated with the need for significant expenditures on providing material and technical resources. This applies primarily to electricity costs, since all the most important means of mechanization are electric driven. In the process of keeping animals, es-pecially under pasture conditions, the unstable state of the fuel and energy complex which consists in supply failures of electric and thermal energy to farms, has a negative impact on production processes. Therefore, the direction of development of grassland animal farming is the transfer of all energy supply technologies to non-traditional and re-newable sources. It is planned to simultaneously use the power of the sun, wind, biopower and power of small rivers, that is, sources that are mainly typical of pastures. The maximum energy load is assigned to biopower. It is known that a bioplant has a unique opportunity within the frame-work of an animal production unit to provide it with a certain necessary set of energy resources as well as high-quality fertilizers. In grassland animal farming, the absolute posi-tive property of wind is its renewability and environmental friendliness; in particular, our country has the highest wind energy potential in the world. Non-traditional energy sources for grassland animal farming conditions are identi-fied and substantiated. The sources are designed for pow-er supply of the entire complex of technological equipment at its maximum load.

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