
The article presents the results of a study on the lexical composition of ditty(chastushka)texts recorded in the Perm region at the end of the 20th–early 21stcenturies. On the material of the Kama folklore tradition (suffering texts, texts of love, dance, military and recruiting, reprobating, and satirical dit-ties), the most productive means and ways of ditty word-creation are considered, the derivational structure of the new formations and their functions are analyzed. The closeness of the ditty word-formation to the oral-colloquial folk word-creation in generalis noted. The ditty genre shows the level of linguistic creativity as-sociated with the ability of anameless author to consciously vary a linguistic utterance in accordance with the artistic task set. The paper studies the semantics of the new formations found in ditties, their lexical-semantic stratification (names and features of the characters, namesof emotional states and relationships, musical instruments, varieties of ditties, etc.). The polyfunctionality of ditty new formations (psychological, expressive, evaluative, play functions) and their focus on creating typical images are shown. Particularatten-tion is paid to the study of the textual role of folklore occasionalisms. The ways of textual actualization of folklore new formations (a strong position in the text, the role of repetitions of various types) are analyzed. The author draws a conclusion about the specific features of occasionalisms as one of the means of ditty po-etics, about the manifestation in folklore word-creation of universal folk naive-linguistic ideas, on which the tradition of folk aesthetic use of language is based. The variety of love naming unitsrevealed in the texts of ditties is associated with their focus on sharpening love collisions. Being the means of indirect speaking, oc-casionalisms express the internal and external manifestation of a love feeling, different degrees of manifesta-tion of emotional experience. The abundance of new formations makes it possible to convey the individual characteristics of a love story, an individual love experience with greater accuracy.

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