
Abstract: It is well-known that the landslides generated by heavy rainfalls render a significant damage on economics of different countries. The actuality of researches on study of interrelation between frequency of occurrence of landslides and level of recovery of forest zones damaged by landslides is out of doubts. The aim of presented paper is development of mathematical formulas for calculation of full recovery time for further identification of such areas the full recovery of which is impossible due to time limits. The task on calculation of optimum relation between major parameters is formulated upon which the minimum value of recovery time of damaged areas can be attained. As a result of held researches the model functional relations are developed for calculation of recovery time of areas damaged by landslides. The developed models make it possible to determine these land areas in zones of landslides which are cannot be used for forest growing. The optimum linear interrelation between the square area of damaged plots and the geographic index is derived upon which for set of equally powered landslide processes i.e. landslides with equal volume of transferred debris the minimum value of recovery time can be attained.

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