
This review presents data on estradiol, progesterone, and leptin as important hormones in reproductive medicine. The effects of these hormones in peripheral blood and follicular fluid on the outcomes of assisted reproductive technology programs are considered. Data on experimental studies and prospects for their use in clinical practice are presented. Given the established fact that the composition of follicular fluid has an influence on the quality of oocytes, estradiol, progesterone, and leptin contained in follicular fluid can serve as descriptors of embryo competence. There are conflicting results in the literature regarding the effect of these hormones on the outcomes of in vitro fertilization programs. Conclusion. The role of intrafollicular estradiol, progesterone, and leptin on the outcomes of in vitro fertilization programs need to be further investigated. Key words: follicular fluid, estradiol, progesterone, leptin, in vitro fertilization, embryo competence

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