
The priority task for Kazakhstan is to increase the competitiveness of the national economy. The formation of competitive advantages of industries and enterprises of agro-industrial complex is of particular importance in scientific aspects and in business practice. Scientifically based technologies of agricultural production envisage production and sale of agricultural products and food products in the required volumes, which are competitive on domestic and foreign markets. The authors note that one of the main problems in processing of raw materials is the low output of final goods from raw unit. In order to fill export niches and ensure import substitution, new export-oriented sectors of the agro-industrial complex have been studied. In particular, in processing industry, the transition to international quality standards for technical and technological re-equipment of production, as well as expanding the range of food products and creating equal conditions for competition with main trading partners in the Eurasian Economic Union remains relevant. The results of the study allowed us to conclude that it is necessary to make amendments in matters of technical regulation, trade, protection of competition, information, customs and border services, improve organizational and economic structure of agricultural sector in the following priority areas of management: development of integration in AIC, agro-industrial entities performing procurement functions, storage, transportation, processing and marketing, organization of agricultural markets, ensuring formation of effective material resources. Thus, it can be stated that increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products depends on many factors, the observance of which is an indispensable condition for the recovery of the industry's economy.


  • The priority task for Kazakhstan is to increase the competitiveness of the national economy

  • The formation of competitive advantages of industries and enterprises of agro-industrial complex is of particular importance in scientific aspects

  • of the main problems in processing of raw materials is the low output of final goods from raw unit

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Әлемдік нарықта ауыл шаруашылық өнімдерінің бәсекеге қабілеттілігін қамтамасыз ету үшін мемлекеттік қолдау қажет [5]. ҚР Статистика комитетінің 2015-2019 субсидиялауды қоса алғанда, АШТӨ үшін жылдардағы деректері және 2021 жылға тауарлардың, жұмыстар мен көрсетілетін арналған болжам негізінде Қазақстанның қызметтердің қолжетімділігін арттыру, соназық-түлік өнімдерінің негізгі түрлерінің дай-ақ ветеринариялық, фитосанитариялық бәсекеге қабілеттілік коэффициенті есепқауіпсіздік және сумен қамтамасыз ету телді.

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