
The relevance of the research topic lies in the obvious need to address the issue of uniform settlement of people across the territory of Russia. This problem is not new, since there are and are being implemented various state programs related to the provision of preferences to citizens and organizations for settling the Far East and other territories remote from the center of the country, there are special economic zones, etc. Nevertheless, the bulk of the population continues to remain in large cities, which have become such largely due to the proximity of state power and, accordingly, officials with whom it is necessary to constantly maintain various kinds of relationships and often just personal contact. With the development of various aspects of entrepreneurial activity, including with the participation of large businesses, this paradigm must change. This study analyzes the legal framework for the implementation of this kind of activity. The purpose of this study is to consider the legal framework for the implementation of demographic policy in terms of the rational distribution of the population across the territory of Russia to create comfortable living conditions for citizens. The achievement of the designated goal is the development of proposals for the transformation of legal regulation and the practice of its application to intensify the uniform settlement of the country's inhabitants. For the preparation of this work, general philosophical, general scientific and private law methods of scientific research were used. The result of the work done is a number of proposals for the law-making and organizational nature of the use of special legal regimes in certain territories and the actualization of the practice of single-industry towns that are formed around the city-forming enterprises and similar industries. Output. It seems necessary to streamline the normative legal regulation of issues related to the establishment of special regimes in certain areas, by adopting a "territorial code" or another document similar to it. It is necessary to partially transform the current legislation in the area under consideration and systematize the organization of its implementation.

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