
The article reveals the concept of «research activity», analyzes the research activity of students in Ukrainian language classes, aimed at integrating learning and scientific research, solving new problems for those seeking education, and implementing set theoretical and practical tasks. The main principles of research activity are defined, including accessibility, consciousness, naturalness, self-activity. The methods and techniques of organizing research activity are outlined, which contribute to the formation of analytical abilities in students, the ability to compare, classify and summarize information. The essence of the research method is defined, іt was found that a number of skills are developed thanks to research activities: analytical and synthetic (the ability to analyze, synthesize information, highlight the main, essential, describe phenomena or processes); information (skills for working with sources, technical means of information, bibliographic search); creative (ability to generate ideas, create one's own algorithm for solving tasks, transfer acquired knowledge and skills to new problem situations); communicative (creating written and oral statements, dialogue with others, defending one's point of view in the form of message). Exercises and research tasks from the Ukrainian language are proposed, which can be used in the process of forming the research skills of students of education. It has been proven that the use of elements of problem-based, search and research methods makes learning the Ukrainian language more productive, and the development of students' research skills contributes to the activation of their cognitive interest and motivation to study.

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