
The article establishes the need for the formation of a system of administrative communications to ensure the coordination of activities of subjects of state, municipal, public authorities, and mass media in the management of social processes. It has been proven that the formation of effective public communication, the communicative complex of the public power subsystem, is possible by reforming the public administration system. The theoretical and methodological principles of forming the administrative communications system were defined, and its structural and functional model was developed. Emphasis is placed on the theoretical description of the communicative process in modern scientific discourse, which uses various, and sometimes mutually exclusive, hypotheses, positions, and approaches; quite often, communication as a process is considered a relatively narrow sphere of human activity, and the application of the used models for local self-government seems problematic. Attention is paid to the fact that in the conditions of public administration reform in Ukraine, one of the urgent tasks is the modernization of the public communications system, bringing it closer to the standards of the EU and leading countries of the world, building an effective model of communication activities of state authorities. The subject and methods of communicative interaction of social subjects implementing communicative public policy are defined. The importance of communication in state administration and local self-government is also proven by its (communication) feature, which is a reliable and constant supplier of valuable information, which is then used in the management process. Public administration communications should be considered as a set of subsystems of informational and motivational interactions. It is noted that, in general, it is appropriate to define the communication system of public administration as mutually agreed complexes of communicative horizontal and vertical, internal and external, formal and informal interactions of subjects of public space (bodies, organizations, institutions, and representatives of state, self-governing, public, media authorities and citizens ) at the central, regional and local levels, thanks to which the coordination of the activities of the subjects regarding the management of social processes is achieved. Keywords: communicative interaction, communicative strategy, public administration bodies, state administration, mass communication media, civil society institutions, communicative system of public administration, local self-government.

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