
The article highlights the interpretation of the term "electronic commerce" in the context of its institutional and component prismatic perception. Features of the functioning of electronic commerce in the modern global geo-economic climate are outlined. The results of the latest research and publications are analyzed. The influence of the pandemic climate, which treated the fundamental principles of traditional economic activity, was studied. Geopolitical threats caused by Russian aggression against Ukraine are considered. Indicators illustrating the importance of the field of digital entrepreneurship were analyzed. The information of the Forbes Advisor online platform of economic direction was processed, and the global e-commerce market in 2024 was studied. It is proved that the indicators of the mobility and adaptability of the e-commerce phenomenon are such attributive properties as: geographical distribution of the electronic potential of digital commerce, the concentrated advantage of American multinational corporations in the digital commerce market, the integrability of the digital commerce phenomenon. The results of the annual Global Digital Overview report, as of the beginning of 2023, were studied, and it was determined that the indicators of the information gap also characterize the architecture of the Ukrainian online market. The problem of information inequality, which arose in the context of the world's struggle with the devastating consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, is considered. The fundamental differences of the modern form of digital commerce from the structure of traditional trade are analyzed. The specified nature of electronic commerce demonstrates the integrativeness, interconnectedness, and sensitive adaptability to the relevant mainstreams of the modern geo-economic climate inherited from globalization. Current trends in e-commerce architecture are illustrated, namely the leading actors of the global digital market – both state players and transnational corporations. A trend-based argumentation for trading efficiency of a new type of productivity is described, which can be illustrated by a triad of levels. The key components of the overall potential of modern e-commerce are highlighted - "social" and "mobile" trade. Significant threats and prospects for the development of the phenomenon of "electronic commerce" are highlighted.

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