
The market of organic products in the Russian Federation is quite young. It is aimed at providing the population with environmentally safe products in volume and assortment. The market of organic products has received the greatest development in the USA, the countries of the European Union and China. The intensification of environmental problems associated with the intensification of agriculture and the development of cognitive technologies determine its development at a qualitatively new level. It is the cognitive approach that focuses on changing the behavior of subjects, forming a positive attitude towards organic products.
 The methodological basis of the study was the scientific works of researchers in the field of organic agriculture and the market of organic products. During the research, methods and techniques were used: abstract-logical, economic-statistical, monographic.
 The study made it possible to determine the dynamics of organic production and the volume of its sales in the world. The main producers of organic products in Russia are presented.
 According to the results of the scientific research, the main sales markets, the place of application of cognitive technologies by market participants by stages of activity and the problems hindering the development of the organic products market have been identified. The study allowed us to determine the principles on which the development of the organic products market is based.

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