
Formulation of the problem. Based on the study, the prerequisites, features and components of the formation of accounting policies in the context of business continuity are revealed. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological and organizational provisions of accounting policy formation in the context of the implementation of the concept of continuity. The object of research is the process of formation of accounting policy and its impact on the quality of corporate financial reporting information. Methods used in the study: scientific knowledge, method of generalization, comparison, logical - meaningful, methods of induction and deduction. The main hypothesis is that the formation of accounting policies aimed at determining the regulations of accounting and reporting from the standpoint of reflecting complete and reliable information about the real value of assets and liabilities will help reconcile the interests of all stakeholders. Presenting main material. The article identifies the prerequisites, directions and elements of the formation of accounting policies on the principle of continuity of enterprises. Provisions on the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of accounting policies of enterprises on the basis of risk-oriented approach are revealed. The necessity of valuation of assets and liabilities according to the criteria: fair, discounted and market value of enterprises is substantiated and the methodological support of valuation of financial instruments in accounting is revealed. Originality and practical significance are proposals for the formation of methodological and organizational support and recommendations for the measurement of assets and liabilities at fair value in order to improve the quality of financial statements. Research findings. The formation of accounting policy in the context of the principle of continuity is based on the requirements of International Accounting Standards and National Accounting Standards and depends on the needs of management, methods and techniques of accounting. In the process of developing an accounting policy, it is necessary to take into account the information needs of various stakeholders to disclose information in corporate financial statements. The introduction of theoretical and methodological provisions for the formation of elements of accounting policy on the principle of continuity will meet the information needs of different users, improve the quality of financial reporting and assess the impact of accounting policies on the real value of enterprises in the future.

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