
The current stage of European integration of Ukraine is determined by the intensification of partnership relations with the EU in the all planes of socio-economic interaction. In particular, it concerns development of cross-border cooperation and capacity of cross-border markets potential. Because of that the problems of cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and EU today becomes more urgent. One of the key criteria of successful cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and the EU is the alignment of proportions of economic development on different sides of the border. In this sense, an important indicator of the quality of transboundary cooperation is cross-border convergence of regions. It reflects the socio-economic effect from implementation of transboundary projects and plays an important role in the context of leveling the existing threats and challenges of cross-border economic, social and information security. Alignment the quality of life and standards of economic development on different sides of the border eliminates a number of risks associated with the spread of destructive forms of cross-border cooperation, such as smuggling at cross-border markets, illegal labor migration, corruption at the border crossing etc. The priority instrument of transboundary convergence spreading is the institutionalization of cross-border space. First of all it concerns the formation of the legal support, oriented to the deployment of convergent processes. In addition, institutionalization concern such key elements of transboundary cooperation as the functioning of cross-border institutions, the eradication of transboundary institutional dysfunction, and a decrease the level of transaction costs of participants of cross-border markets. Important way to stimulation of cross-border convergence is the formation of joint cross-border brands for each of cross-border regions between Ukraine and the EU. On this basis, should be developed appropriate strategies for development of cross-border markets. Such strategies should ensure the maximum use of socio-economic potential of corresponding cross-border regions, and also should form grounds for the spread of convergent processes within them.


  • The current stage of European integration of Ukraine is determined by the intensification of partnership relations

  • the EU is the alignment of proportions of economic development

  • It reflects the socio-economic effect from implementation of transboundary projects

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Одним із ключових засобів вказаного зближення виступає розвиток транскордонного співробітництва, зокрема, спрямований на стимулювання транскордонних конвергентних процесів. Виявлення основних проблем та окреслення пріоритетних напрямів активізації транскордонного співробітництва як чинника поглиблення європейської інтеграції та стимулювання транскордонних конвергентних процесів, а також вивчення у цьому контексті позитивного досвіду країн-членів ЄС, виступають ключовими площинами сучасних наукових досліджень українських учених-економістів. Мета статті – окреслення пріоритетних сфер розвитку транскордонного співробітництва між Україною та ЄС на сучасному етапі європейської інтеграції у контексті стимулювання транскордонних конвергентних процесів.

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