
Objective: the article deals with the problems of adaptation and integration of the children of migrants arriving in Russia in order to get job. Discussion: The analysis of the flow of foreign labor migrants in Russia found out that migrants who come to the country to get a residence permit and who associate their lives with our country, come with their families, bring their children. For Russia in terms of the decline of population in the working-age the children of migrants may be an important factor in filling the lack of labor force in the working-age population in Russia. Results: It was found out that the Russian scientific research on migration skip that fact that children of migrant workers are also potential labor force. It is necessary to simulate and plan their professional orientation in school. For this purpose it is necessary to adapt the program of the integration of children and change strategies of the school educational system. At the present stage the multidisciplinary and civilized approach should be used to solve the problem of the migration. The author proposes to use the positive experience of Germany in this matter.

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