
Global transformations caused by the pandemic and the largest conventional war on the European continent in several decades determine the need to ensure the economic security of the state as the fundamental basis of the national security of each country. Threats to the economic security of the state that arose during the pandemic and whose residual impact is significant in the post-crisis period were identified. The prevailing influence of Russian aggression in generating threats to the economic security of the state was established. The most dangerous global risks in the short- and medium-term period were studied based on the results of the generalization of The Global Risks Perception Survey by the World Economic Forum, including the increase in the cost of living, natural disasters, and geo-economic confrontation. It was established the relationship and interdependence of the specified global risks with the most dangerous threats to the economic security of Ukraine, in particular, the Russian war against Ukraine, the acute crisis of commodity supply, large-scale forced migration, cyber risks in terms of information access, etc. It has been proven that in the conditions of globalization, threats to the economic security of a separate subject of international economic relations are a source of danger for the global political, economic and humanitarian environment. The ways of countering threats to the economic security of Ukraine at the international level were characterized, including lending, militarytechnical assistance, investment, guarantees of further support. The inflationary threat to the economic security of Ukraine was analyzed as a significant catalyst for a number of other risks and threats in war conditions. It was proven the prevailing influence of exogenous threats on the state economic security under global transformations, which is significantly strengthened by the presence of internal threats to the state economic security. Internal systemic threats to the economic security of Ukraine were highlighted. It was substantiated the need to improve and implement a proactive approach to ensuring the state economic security in the conditions of global transformations and a growing number of external and internal threats.

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