
The article actualizes the modern requirements for the quality of training schoolchildren in the framework of the new state standards in the field of education, describes the basic features of cognitive learning, analyzes the rules for the use of the concepts of “cognitive interest”, “cognitive activity”, and “cognitive learning”. Materials and methods. The material of the research is theoretical and empirical observations on the problem of the development of the cognitive interest of modern schoolchildren in the context of cognitive teaching in computer science. The analysis of the work of modern teachers made it possible to identify basic ideas and project them onto the learning process, taking into account the capabilities of the modern educational environment. Results and discussion. The author outlines that modern Russian education, focused on the development of universal learning activities and competencies of pupils, is in the process of reforming. It is also emphasized that the set of the analyzed approaches to defining the concept of cognitive interest made it possible to actualize the possibilities of cognitive learning and highlight its features. From the standpoint of the effectiveness of the development of cognitive interest, some methods, techniques and means of cognitive learning are described, the use of which in the educational process can contribute to a better preparation of pupils. Conclusion. The author comes to the conclusion that the set of requirements for modern graduates of educational institutions involves the development of innovative teaching technologies by teachers, their possession of such competencies that will make it possible to qualitatively organize the educational process, while developing a positive attitude of pupils to learning.


  • С целью развития эмоционального и регулятивного компонентов познавательного интереса обучающихся, которые характеризуются положительным отношением к деятельности, к процессу деятельности и наиболее ярко проявляющиеся во время взаимодействия с другим людьми, проявлением заинтересованности, положительных эмоций в ходе совместной деятельности с взрослым и со сверстниками, возможно использование интерактивных учебных заданий, разработанных с помощью специализированных программных продуктов

  • В рамках проведения учебных занятий по информатике необходимо особое внимание уделять развитию познавательного интереса обучающихся с использованием потенциала когнитивного обучения, выражающегося в применении средств когнитивной визуализации (ментальные карты, инфографика), интерактивных заданий и учета разнообразия множественных интеллектов школьников, а также их ведущих перцептивных модальностей

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Развитие образования / Development of education / Вĕренӳ аталанăвĕ 102 (2020) 3(9), 102-106 www.journaledu.com Ачасен пĕлӳ илес кăмăл еккине пуç мимин нумай енлĕ функцине тĕпе хурса вĕрентнĕ май аталантарасси Тĕпчевĕн материалĕ пуç мимин нумай енлĕ функцине тĕпе хурса информатика вĕрентнĕ май хальхи шкул ачисен пĕлÿ туртăмĕ епле аталаннине теори тата кĕрет сăнани пулса тăрать.

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