
The article is devoted to the study of the prospects for the production of biogas from agricultural waste. The structure of the final energy consumption of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine during 2017-2020 is analyzed and found that the predominant share of final energy consumption is occupied by oil products, electricity and heat and gas, energy from biofuels and waste has an insignificant share. Ukraine has highly developed agricultural sectors, which annually produce a large amount of waste and are a valuable secondary energy resource. It has been determined that the most efficient non-waste technology in agriculture is the production of biogas from waste. The number of farm animals and the volume of animal waste generation in 2018-2022 were studied. It was also found that the volume of biogas output depends on the type of raw material for production, based on this, the potential for biogas output from the main agricultural waste is characterized. A comparison was made of the dynamics of biogas production development in some EU countries (Germany and Poland) and Ukraine during 2012-2020. Substantiated environmental and economic effect from the introduction of biogas projects in Ukraine, and also noted that in addition to environmental and economic performance, such projects provide a significant social effect. The development of biogas projects to a large extent depends on the volume of investment in renewable energy in general and waste-free technologies in particular. It has been established that Ukraine has worsened its position in the rating of investment attractiveness in renewable energy sources in 2020 precisely because of a significant reduction in the amount of money invested in such projects. The main advantages of using biogas from agricultural waste for energy production in Ukraine in comparison with other renewable energy sources are determined. Biogas production is an attractive alternative in terms of energy production, given the almost inexhaustible raw material resources, the attention of the state is aimed at attracting more and more new opportunities for biogas production. It is concluded that biogas projects have a significant environmental and economic efficiency of implementation in Ukraine through the use of agricultural waste.

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