
On the basis of a comprehensive assessment (including agro-energy) of field experience data, an energy-saving technology has been developed for creating different-ripening cereal agrocenoses and their long-term (up to the 38th year of herb life) three -moving use. Purposefully selected grass mixtures with the domination of rhizome species of zoned varieties of cereals ensured the production of energy-rich raw materials for harvesting haylage. The herbal raw materials contained 9.6–10.1 MJ of metabolic energy in 1 kg of dry matter. The total anthropogenic energy consumption on these stands on average for 12–37 years of use amounted to 24.4–24.8 GJ/ha. They paid off by collecting metabolic energy of 57.7 GJ/ha in the early (with meadow foxtail) and 66.9–70.0 GJ/ha in mid-ripening agrocenoses (with awnless brome and reed canary grass), that is, 2.4–2.8 times. In the production process of the recommended herbage, the leading role belongs to natural factors. In the structure of metabolic energy production, they account for 58–65%. The mobilization of natural factors on agrocenoses occurs due to the productive longevity of self-renewing herbage with the annual application of N180P40K155. Long-term use of promising highly productive agrocenoses for the early and middle link of the moving conveyor system makes it possible to exclude 4–6 renewal of meadow. This saves energy capital investments for the creation of meadowlands and improves the organization of the procurement of bulky forage.

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