
The paper deals with the precedent units which are concerned to different periods of Ukrainian history and their verbalization through the internet discourse. The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of reflection of precedent phenomena as well as their functionality in the new media discourse. Concrete illustration for this objective was the publication of Ukrainian website “Platforma” styled to Facebook page and devoted to the key facts of national history.Textual analysis proves that actualization of precedent phenomena in the discourse of new media is carried out through the stylization to another type of precedent units – internet memes with their combining of linguistic and extra linguistic realities and orientation on vast audience. The precedent phenomena are connected with Ukrainian history and reflect the national pathos but at the same time these units join the lexemes which mention the realities of routine daily-life. Another way to actualize the key facts of national history is to create the joke and to bring their together with popular internet memes, first of all phrases. The text of the article contains big amount of transliterated and English phrases which are often used in the internet discourse.It is important to mention the main functions of the precedent units. Analyzed publication proves the rich functionality of these units. These are axiological, playing, characterizing functions, functions of password and reflection of national identity.The proposed article is an evidence of topicality of internet discourse investigation which is really important for research of national identity.

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