
We consider problematic issues of readiness in pedagogical community to implement the foundations of state policy to preserve and strengthen traditional Russian spiritual and moral values enshrined in the normative legal documents of the Russian Federation. Analyzed documents that form the basis of strategic planning of domestic education are: materials of the 24th World Russian People’s Council, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “Fundamentals of state policy to preserve and strengthen traditional Russian spiritual and moral values”, the Resolution of the State Duma, the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation. The teachers are currently in a complex and contradictory state: being mentally between philosophy, science and religion, and physically between his native language as the code of Russian culture and the imposed foreign language concepts, values of the era of globalization, they are forced to constantly be in the mode of choice and self-determination on the way to understanding the essence and ways of moving towards the missions of his profession. A number of modern pedagogical publications revealing the spiritual and moral potential of Russian history and culture are analytically comprehended, attention is focused on the constructive and controversial points of view of the authors. It is concluded that national humanitarian ideas have the potential sufficient to preserve and strengthen traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.

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