
The purpose. To calculate theoretical alcohol yield from grain of varieties and hybrids of winter rye depending on genotype. Methods. They studied 29 samples of winter rye in different weather conditions of years of growing. Backfilling of experiment was spent according to B.A. Dos­pehov procedure. Theoretical alcohol yield was determined by calculation method. Results. Average productivity of grain was 5,02 t/hectare in rainless weather environment. That exceeded average productivity of crop in Kharkiv region and Ukraine on 2,5 t/hectare. Samples of winter rye formed the heightened level of starch in grain — 61,86% in comparison to average for crop — 55%. Thus varieties generated more starch (62,41%), than hybrids (61,13%) (NSR=0,54%). Theoretical alcohol yield at samples averaged 220,48 dal/hectare. Strong correlation between theoretical alcohol yield and exit of starch from a unit of area (r=1), productivity of grain and exit of starch from unit of area (r=0,99), productivity of grain and theoretical alcohol yield (r=0,99) and absence of correlation between exit of starch from a unit of area and its content in grain is established. Opportunity of deriving of hybrids with high productivity of grain 1000,5–1309,8 g/m2 and the heightened starch content 62,6–63,8% in grain in good weather environment is shown. Theoretical alcohol yield in such conditions made 315,3–585,2 dal/hectare. Conclusions. It is proved that created in the Institute of plant industry varieties and hybrids of winter rye have high stable productivity of grain in combination to tall exit of starch and tall theoretical alcohol yield. It ensures to it competitive strength among other alternative crops for production of bioethanol.

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